Monday, February 22, 2010

Benjamin's 2nd Birthday

Wow!!!! I can't believe Ben is already 2 years old. Where on earth does the time go? I thought that I might be a little sad today because he is getting so big but its quite the opposite. With every year comes new and exciting adventures and we are having a blast. Children are such a blessing and I cherish every moment with them.
weight: 24lbs 6oz 10-25%
height: 35 inches 50%
head: 48.7 50%
Dr says he is a little under weight for his height but thats what we tend to have, tall skinny kids. Benjamin is only saying about 3 or 4 words and if in 6 months time there isn't any improvement in that then he will seeing a speach specialist for an evaluation. We are hoping that it won't come to that. Overall he had a wonderful check up and is a perfect little boy.
Benjamin, we are so blessed to have you, you bring so much joy to our family. Happy Birthday monkey!!!

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